Anastasia Longsun

Anna is the second child and only daughter of Richard Longsun, King of the Santonia province, richest and most powerful of all the provinces of the Rotakan Empire. Known as the "spitfire princess", she has a short temper and is a fierce fighter.

Brown skin, dark brown eyes (almost black), black hair. She's got a straight, strong nose, almond shaped eyes with long eyelashes, well defined lips, heart shaped face.

She's is the second child and only daughter with three brothers. Her older brother is set to inherit the throne, while her two younger brothers (twins) are mostly set to de-flower as much of the city's youth as they can get their hands on, preferably in a drunken stupor.

She is expected to marry Royalty, and that most likely to be the Emperor's son. All of this is designed to strengthen (or maintain) the Santonian's relatinship with Empire. Yet her father has refused to force it on her, wanting to give her a chance to choose for herself. However, she has refused every advance, and political pressure has built up for her to marry soon. Many view it as a way to "keep her out of trouble", a sentiment she hates. Her father has made noises about choosing for her if she refuses to choose herself, but that usually results in a verbal fight between him and his daughter.

  • Goes by Stasia when she's out in the city, hiding her identity and doing what princesses do when they're attempting to get away... or something.
  • Goes by Anna…later. This becomes her accepted name (to herself and how she views herself.)
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