
Roshan is an arctic province in the southern hemisphere that is mostly known for exporting a large variety of unique seafood. Most of the population lives along the northern coast, as the rest of the country is considered too cold and, if not unlivable, then certainly not desirable.

Even the habited coast would be considered almost uninhabitable by most of the rest of the world, with the majority of the land taken up by sheer cliffs, rocky mountains, and steep forests clinging to (and holding down) shallow loam. Very little is flat enough for crops, not that it hardly matters with such a short growing season.

What makes Roshan livable are the thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands, of inlets, coves, and tributaries carved into the coast line, feeding into the largest fresh-water sea on Rotaka. Within most of these lies a small fishing village, who export a small amount excess seafood in exchange for the staples needed to survive. These exports will make their way to increasingly larger settlements until they finally land in one of Roshan's two major ports. The food is packed into ice (sourced locally as part of a local industry) and sent out to be consumed by wealthiest of Rotakan royalty. Roshan seafood really is considered the best.

Culturally, Roshan is considered a matriarchy, same as the other eastern provinces. In truth, it's hardly one except in name. Certainly, the larger port cities have a hierarchy familiar to Sutan or Rhian, but the vast majority of the population live in small villages that have developed a necessary culture of cooperation over hierarchy. It is considered taboo to be a lord, and somewhat stupid besides, when all hands are needed to survive.

Roshan, like the other eastern provinces, have a larger contingent of female shapers than normal. Unlike Sutan and especially Rhian, though, a male shaper is just as celebrated as their female counterpart. As a whole, though, Roshan have far fewer shapers overall than their northern neighbors. What shapers they do have tend to be far more skilled and powerful. No one truly knows why, though Rhian in particular has tried to figure out.

The few attempts at invasion (mostly by Rhian, but Sutan gave it a shot once) have been met with either disaster or…endless tedium. Most Roshan shapers end up in the port cities, concentrating enough power there to deter the largest fleets. While it's possible to conquer the outlaying settlements easily, there's just too damn many of them and nothing of value gained by doing so. Invaders tend to give up after a dozen or so settlements, usually from boredom.

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